Meal delivery takes between one to one and half hours. Meals may be picked up at Mobile Meals each weekday morning between 9-11am.
Substitute Drivers
Substitute drivers are welcomed and needed to fill in when regularly scheduled drivers are absent. It is helpful if you will request a friend or coworker to deliver your route when you are unable to deliver. We have open routes each week that need drivers. Check out our website for specific needs.
Van Drop Site Delivery Drivers
Volunteers are needed to help load our vans and then deliver coolers containing meals to designated drop-sites in Spartanburg County from 8:45 am to 11:00 am.
Meal Packaging
Volunteers are needed to package meals in the Mobile Meals kitchen Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. The minimum age for this volunteer opportunity is 14 years old.
Corporate Route Program Members
Substitute drivers are welcomed and needed to fill in when regularly scheduled drivers are absent. It is helpful if you will request a friend or coworker to deliver your route when you are unable to deliver.
Event Support
Volunteers are needed to support our signature events by serving on a committee, securing auction items as well as working the event (set-up, hospitality, tear-down, etc.). Please 864-573-7684 if you are interested in helping with Special Events.
Office Workers
Volunteers are needed in the mornings and afternoons to provide clerical support such as answering phones, mailings, entering recipient data or other computer-related projects. Hours are flexible.